Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Power of Cosmetic

The before and after makeup. Bet most of you have seen these pics before?

From all the pics above, I uphold my opinion of that, cosmetic product is the greatest creation in the female world. Alright as well as to guys'. Don't you guys love to look at all the pretty girls? I'm not telling that all the girls on earth are as above, BUT you can't deny that cosmetic products do help us to look even better!!

Many guys out there love to comment on how a girl looks like. If we don't really take care of our appearance, they will say 'why this girl never care about her image huh??'. If we put on makeup to make ourselves look better and prettier, they will again, comment 'why the hell girls like to put on makeup?? they don't know what natural beauty is???'.

Alright, of course not EVERY man on earth behave in this way. Just for an example. Try not to become this kind of man. IF you really are, please shut your effing mouth and you sucks. We can still live happily without your comments.

Few weeks back I purchased a pair of lens (to create big dolly eyes effect. IDK what it called just let it be 'dolly lens' kay?). I'm quite surprised of the outcome. Maybe I'm a newbie to dolly lens.

normal school-look. Nerdy spec to cover my dark circles =.="""
with the lens + makeup base. Mine is GEO lens. 14.8mm if not mistaken. I'll go suicide if you tell me no difference. LOL!!

I guess GEO is kinda a safety brand since it got quite a lot of praises from people worldwide. and I even googled it for more details, what I know is, they got passed certificates and is 100% authentic guaranteed.

Girls don't tend to put on makeup in every occasion, we just try to let people look at our pretty side. Beauty is not a crime. Same to the girls who try to become pretty and cute!! I strongly feel that what a girl needs the most is confidence. Without it, no matter how pretty you are, how amazing your makeup skill is, you will still lack of something.

Perhaps girls who read this post will boost up your confidence and stun people around you with your inner and outer beauty!! Be more than just a pretty face!

If you have both, stay pretty in the way you are!!

Guys, try to be more considerate and understanding. Remember not to become an anti-target of girls. You won't know how terrible the situation you set yourself into. HAHAHA!!



Tee said...

there's surely a difference,looks like you haven't sleep for days,giving a zombie look@@.before makeup better tho~

Courtney said...

Circle lens are amazing!

I don't have any though ):
AAHAHHA, I always use my glasses to cover up my dark circles la~ T^T!

Woah, those before and afters are big differences, probs used photoshop as well?

I'm hopeless at putting on makeup as well!