Saturday, April 19, 2014

Midnight Diary 2014 1.0

I hadn't clicked into my blog for like, weeks, until I received an email from a reader. Alright then I'll do a quick post before I sleep. Spontaneous like that, yes.

As most of you know, I'm doing my FYP this sem, and only FYP. At first I thought it'd be so damn free to me to only take one subject in a short semester. Reality just slapped me in the face. Bitch please, I'm BUSY. Even busier than usual. Meeting up with my supervisor for like, everyday? for the past few weeks and each meeting lasted at least 2 hours. Until last week he pronounced I'm 'okay' on my own. Thank goodness. 

He's really a nice supervisor, provides every guidance and help needed. He's that keen and helpful to a point where, he called me at 10pm (yes, at night) and asked me to add 'some more' stuffs into my report; once sent me an email at 11 close 12 midnight, asked me to read an article. One thing I'm so much behind the progress (and it's my usual habit) is that, he never really satisfied for my current doing. He needs more, detailed stuffs. And each time we met, there'r sure some new things we explored. He even asked if I'm interested to further my current project in NTU. Well, with an offer like that, anyone would waver a little. Shall see how it goes. And I was told that, someone is gonna show up for my presentation. Gosh, how stressful!

Throughout my university life, I never really loved any subject or showed interest in any field (academically). But in doing this FYP, I found that I'm kinda interested to the work I'm doing. Or perhaps meeting a right supervisor makes things right. I owe him so much. Thanks sir. :)

Stressful and yet, I'm happy with it.

Sometimes, I wish I can just read good novels, watch great movies, listen to my favourite songs, travel, see beautiful things, eat whenever I'm hungry, sleep whenever I'm tired. But no, I first have to complete my FYP report, second to finish my presentation successfully, and then graduate, find a job and struggle.

My whereabout just now. When you bump into me, anytime anywhere before 28th, ask me to back to my stuff and stop slacking and strolling around. I can't afford that. oh and wish me good luck too! Tqvm:)

Out of the blue, I miss this place. The seat that overlooking the street, the latte, the green mug. My recent favourite hanging place.

Another 2 weeks and byebye to this place. I'm not sure if I'd miss it, but for sure I'll miss my university life. Gosh can't believe I'm one leg stepping out into the society, another stage of my life. I'm taken aback, yet kinda looking forward to it. Perhaps my good luck will continue following me. and to all of you my friends who soon graduate.

Life like this is a little bit unexpected. Who knows the one sitting at the last row in your class will end up be the one who cooks you dinner, brings you to grocery shopping, or likely to be the punching bag of your own. I never knew I could be this irrational, unreasonable girl which I back then swore I would not be. Thanks for seeing me through that I'm not always the strong one; Thanks for letting me know I can be spoilt; Thanks for telling me it's okay to be a little annoying and unreasonable at times. Above all, thanks for reminding me that I'm still a girl. I don't see the future until it comes to me. I know it's gonna be hard. I know many things await. Perhaps together we can walk it through. 

Most of my friends know, I'm so reserved when it comes to my personal stuffs. Family, best friends, whoever. I used to bottled up my feelings. Even I blog, I just put my random thoughts into words. I seldom open up to anyone like I do to you. Sometimes, we're scared to say things we wanted to say, so we keep our mouths shut. Until that one day we realize, we should have said it. But it's too late.


Nothing is too late.

(ahhhhh this is deep I don't know what I'm talking about [but deep down my instinct told me so {well maybe it agrees something to a certain degree}])

nested brackets. lol.

don't ask. I simply like this picture.

It's crazy how fast things change.

Thinking back, it's really good to be a kid. But better to be an adult. Although yes, we have to worry about a living, but we make decisions to everything which would lead us to the destinations. We either enjoy the gain, or suffer the lost. That's the deal of life.

Growing up and be a happy human being.

That's my life.


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