Friday, November 10, 2017

Next Chapter | #猫在noc的女孩 No More

As everybody knows, I always am the happy positive kind. I believe in pure intentions, believe by nature everyone is kind at heart. I'm often treated like the youngest in the family as they think I am so innocent and might easily get harmed by the harsh reality of this cruel world. What they don't know, is that underneath my happy go lucky personality, I actually know the fact that life is unfair. As such I'm more grateful for what I have now.

When I first stepped into workforce aka the adulthood, my dad always warned me, "don't trust people easily." However I have this theory of my own, "trust people with instinct." It hasn't failed me yet. I hope this lasts. Or perhaps, I'm lucky meeting all the kind souls along the way.

Today is the official last day with my company. After 3 years and 2 months, I realized it is the people that I miss the most. Never the place nor stuff. One thing I don't understand about myself, is that I never cried in front of any colleague whom I worked closely with, did not shed a tear when I hugged my boss goodbye, but I was so on the verge of crying when I bid farewell with this Malay old uncle who works as my company's security guard. Our friendship started from here I guess...

I'm looking forward, with a little nervousness, to embarking on coming new path. No more #猫在noc的女孩, thanks Cat for coming up this hashtag. Let's see what would be the next hashtag. 


1 comment:

夜猫子的千笔 said...

You should update your blog ady.