Monday, April 20, 2020

Malaysia MCO

I used to update a new post upon entering a new year. This long overdue post was likely because 2019 flew by too quickly I didn’t catch up soon enough it IS already 2020.

I thought maybe this is not an afterall bad idea to write down something during this MCO (movement control order, just in case few years down I forget what'd happened back in 2020). I bet people my age might not have a clear understanding of the aftermath of SARS in 2003. We are, however, living through this surreal COVID-19 pandemic together. 

SURREAL is the word to me. Two months ago I couldn't have imagined living and staying indoor for over a month; I do now. Malaysia implemented the MCO since 18 Mar 2020, the day which will definitely go down into Malaysian's history. The "before" and "after" effect is too much of a change given that my birthday was only 3 days prior.

I've got my boss's blessing to stay in JB with my family (generous and understanding act I know I'm lucky) during this difficult time. With Singapore's CB lockdown (no pun intended, again to avoid confusion, Circuit Breaker lol), I see no end to this work-from-home life. Nobody can tell when will all these be over. For the record, this also marks the longest period I have not seen le Bf (whom is based in SG). I'm sure we are not alone. Undoubtedly many couples out there, married unmarried, having children or not, are going through this tough time together. 

Despite all threats due to this pandemic, economy or health, mentally or physically, I'm glad (still) to find the so-called work-life balance I never really had experienced before; Spending time with the family, balanced diet (or homecook rather?), daily workout, quality me-time and the list goes on. 

To be honest, the new daily routine/lifestyle I grew over the past one month is giving me the productivity and higher efficiency at work (I'm busier than ever). Perhaps many of you can relate now.

1. I literally make full use of my time since, first thing in the morning I open my eyes, skipping all the hassles of preparing and commuting for work (THESE! Easily save us 1 - 2 hours at the very least), working in my pj until breakfast time (prepared by my little sis). I know right #有妹妹真好
I must say she has talent to opening a breakfast joint, like for real. To say the least, she's quick to prepare, and it's yummy! We tried the internet viral Dalgona coffee, taro milk, taro/yam-ball, kimchi fried rice, pumpkin cake, all kinda crepes and pancakes and sandwiches. I only help with the dishes but sometimes I did leave everything behind to catch a concall at 10am. She da best. 

2. I'd make use of lunch time for some yoga flow practice (new habit) if I wasn't too occupied with work. Going for takeout or ordering delivery is never my task, but paying for it is. 

3. Emails after emails. Calls after calls then, it's tea time! Some caffeine fixed and/or little treats. On days we feeling luxurious (during MCO Phase 1, not anymore), we ordered some snacks/cakes online; On the other days I shared a cup of 3-in-1 coffee with my mom just to get through the day. I might skip this on some days depending on the workload. 

4. Dinner time. Singing praises to my mom's ever-evolving cooking skill. She did unlock a few new dishes during this period. You see la even auntie also never stops learning new stuff. During the time she wasn't on her daily house chores, she's constantly on her iPad, browsing through Youtube or FB for new recipes. Her menu's just getting longer by day. 
To give you a better details of what I'm having these days. New dishes unlocked including but not limited to 南乳炸肉、大肠焖卤肉、咖喱杂菜魔鬼鱼、东炎苏东

Of course the dinner wouldn't be like this every day. But I must say we are the really fortunate ones without having worried about our meals. Because my mama simply best.

We siblings created this hashtag long before but I think its frequency shot through the roof during this MCO just because. #莉莉饭店 #DidyRestaurant 

5. 9pm Daily workout routine with the little sis (BTW the elder sis is trapped in SG poor thing she's definitely sibeh envious so yah). With the pics above you know why we must workout each day, although we take very little portion to none white rice some times. We follow some Instagram live workout, or youtube channels we both liked. Minimally a 45mins - 1hr workout be it Pilates or HIIT or Zumba you name it we tried it. 
Taken earlier after completing today's. "Eh come lets take a pic for my blog today," I said.

From 17th Mar onward, I wore my iWatch only during workout. The active calories ring is pre-set to 300cal/day, exercise ring is 30mins/day. 

Kinda proud to declare I made it up to date without a miss. 

For someone who has lack of discipline, this is definitely a self-achievement lol. I wonder how would I keep this up after the MCO or rather, losing a workout partner. 

6. I do have some me-time during the weekends and those are really something I look forward to and totally enjoying it. I read, I play piano, I watch variety shows and laugh over it, I make a mess in the kitchen with my sis. Recent two weeks I have a new weekly call (we even tried karaoke once!) with the bffs on Sundays to update each others' lives and shits. 

I read 3 books during the MCO. For non book lovers you may skip the below a. b. and c. I don't wanna waste your time. :P

a. I started Flawed in beginning of March? And only be disappointed by the end knowing it is a duology. Then I received its sequel Perfect as a thoughtful birthday gift. You can imagine how happy I was. They are works from Cecelia Ahern (the author of my favorite PS I Love You and Where Rainbow Ends). They are my first dystopian setting novels and frankly I kinda enjoy it.

b. Started the second book during MCO. Lucky was definitely one of the heavy-hearted reads. Despite the book named itself, it was a truly brutal memoir from the author of The Lovely Bones (you must have heard this, a psychological fiction I read and liked it too. Though the movie didn't make its justice, yeah I watched during the MCO). It was about a brutal rape she encountered her very self and the aftermath. I can't give you more details because they are so explicitly raw you have to read it yourself to get through the journey of the whole course. In my opinion, this follows after my #1 memoir, The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. 

c. The third book, which I'd just finished reading today, The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer. Yah I know but I assured you this is not Twilight or the likes. Guess what this is a spy-thriller! Although I got bored maybe at 35% milestone (u gotta know this is a thick 500+ fiction), but I continued since I have plenty of time especially over the weekend. Not really recommended unless you're like me, running out of reading materials. I just couldn't stand the romance she added so conveniently into the plot. I actually like the epilogue the best, like seriously! 
I finished it today. At the epilogue I decided to have a 3-in-1 and shared with my mom. Talk about routine... ;) I know people my age usually opt to read some self-help or non-fiction, but I like the reading process where I get to experience different lifestyles through the characters in fictions. The good ones will get you linger for more, that's the satisfaction of reading a real good book. 

So far I have not watched any drama, I've got no time for it can you believe it. I scroll Instagram and FB before I sleep, that accounts to my weekday leisure really. Of course I won't be working a full 9 to 6 every day. Maybe once or twice a week I'd have some gaps in between and my little sis happened to be inspired by some online random recipe, and there we go, making a chaos in the kitchen (with mom's approval she the queen in charge). 

Writing up till now, I finally know why I don't find this MCO boring. So far it is eventful, I have a purpose of my everyday life. Haha it sounded big but actually it's all down to the simple stuff we do. 

Sharing you this most random birds chipping at the balcony. 

I lost track of the day some times and the weeks flew by. This is not an unbearable period to me, in fact I kinda enjoy the solitude it brings. 

I hope you are well. And let's brace through this tough time and hopefully the mother earth is also taking her time to heal. 

PS: it's getting late and tomorrow is Monday! I dont have time to proofread it so yah, bear with me!


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