Pre birthday dinner with my family at Marina Seafood Restaurant. That's my first visit. But according to my mom, I'd been there once, she carried me in her womb *wtf it sounds damn wrong!! @@""* anyways, this is a true story LOL!!
some random shoots
actually, the foods aren't the highlight in this post. I truly felt that I have no such excitement which I used to have during the past. I was so damn looking forward to my birthday when I was young. Somehow I found I'm no longer the child who feels so anxious about her birthday, how princessly dressed during the celebration, how many presents she'd receive, etc etc.
the food we ordered...
bean curd
steamed shih-ban (grouper)
roast chicken with crackers
big fat juicy scallop with tiny mushroom (pardon me I don't know what's the mushroom called)
spinach noodle! Everyone loves this! tasted so fresh and it's damn healthy! =]
The food was just so-so. Spinach noodle is a special case. For my own opinions, I felt PeKing and Grand Straits Garden Restaurant are much better than this. Is the food worth the price? For this, sorry I don't think so.
apparently, mommy wasn't in her best condition. BUT I insisted of posting her photo! =]]
Anyways, since it's my birthday dinner, I did appreciate it. Thanks baba for the treat. ohya, and of course my present- ip4 ♥♥♥
Many people envy I got sisters. and I was kind of jealous my friends who got brother since I was very young. *even until now* But, I know I'm blessed of getting along with 2 sisters, playing fool of each other, shopping, eating, enjoying life together.
I appreciate everything I have.
to my 20th of life, cheers ♥
it's nearly 3am. Though I'm not tired but I think I have to go bed for my own sake. So, if you people still wide awake, please avoid staying till so 'early' yea!! Take care! =]
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