Thursday, December 31, 2009




ChineseNewYear House Visiting

Gathering before taking the SPM result aka March Babe Celebration

Steamboat Gathering with longtimenosee friends

Weiping's Bday Gathering

the lateset one- Christmas Gathering!!!

ChineseLanguageSociety aka CLS
First workshop!!!

Mid-autumn Gathering!!!

Genting Trip with ZQOC!!!!

Poster-like photo!!!

MalaccaYouthCamp OC!!!

MMU Friends

Malacca-one-day Trip with coursemates!!!

PE08 Group Photo!!!!

Vince Birthday Celebration @ DreamBox!!!

FuYong aka ahkor Birthday Celebration @ US Pizza!!!

Group Photo after class!!

No more ABRSM exam in my life!!!

My First Lappy!!!!
I love RED!!

My first time making chocolate flakes!!!!

I've read 5 novels within this year!!!!
3 from Cecelia Ahern
each from Mithc Albom and Dorothy Koomson!!!!

My First Pair of Nike!!!
Nike, just do it!!!XDXD

My First Esprit Watch!!!!
It's actually men's watch!! DAMN NICE!!!!


I thought the previous post is supposed to be the last post in my Year2009, but I felt that there's something left out. In so many ways, picture does a very good job as words cant tell. Hoping that the pictures above did tell you how wonderful my year2009 is!

Without anyone of you, the pictures wouldnt be there, the memories wouldnt be in my mind, the warmth feeling wouldnt be felt

Everyone everything has a place to fill, every piece fits itself into the puzzle of my life. That is why, I appreciate everything and all of you. Because I'm afraid the puzzle will be incompleted. I can't afford to lose even only one!!


is all around

Once again,



know wat?? It's gonna be another brand new year for everyone of us.

*Kindly notice that, this will be a full word or so-called wordy entry, if you're not interested in my life and u'r not getting to know me, kindly click the red cross at the rightmost=))*

and guess wat?? It's a bountiful year for me, a beautiful year 2009. I still remember wat I'd posted last year *see here*, I love number 9, and I said that everything would be fine and success. Okay it happened, it became real.

Remarkable 9 matters which matter!!!
  1. I'd passed my ABRSM Grade8!!!!!
  2. I'd decided to take engineering as my future studies
  3. The very first time I left my home sweet home
  4. Meeting my coursemates
  5. Joining RD this family
  6. The first time I got my result
  7. I got a serious sick in malacca
  8. The ugliness of human kind
  9. The surprise my family gave me

1.1❤ This is the first thing comes into my mind!! I'd failed my grade8 for the very first time when I was in form4. You would never understand how suck the feeling was. I took another one year plus to prepare for the second time and I told myself that I must have to get it, no matter how. And till the end, I did it!!

2.1❤ March of 2009, right on my birthday. I purposely came to MMU for the open day, for sake of my future studies. I wasn't sure that what I wanted for my future, what's my ambition, what course was I going to take. I came here with my mind blank, everything was a blank. IT, accounting, management were all in my consideration, but ENGINEERING was never inside the list. I'd made this decision with much of my strength, telling myself that I must have to do it, since it's all my decision. From that day onwards, I knew it's a turning point of my life.

3.1❤ June of year 2009, I'd left home and came to malacca to continue my studies in MMU. To be frank, the very first thing I couldnt get used with was actually washing clothes all by myself instead of missing my family, living in an atmosphere without anyone of them. I do miss them, each of the day, but washing clothes? NO way!! I really hate the washing routine during the first few weeks or even months during my life in malacca. AND seriously I know how much I'm treated like a precious when I'm home.

4.1❤ Please to say that, I have them as my coursemates. Really, truly and seriously, I mean, everyone of them. Okay for some of the cases, maybe I wasnt like them much in the very first place, but we cannot judge a book by only its cover right?? After six months of being together, I'd say they are nice!!! Especially for some closer ones, I have to thank you all for being my friends as well. I used to behave like a lit boy when we'r having fun, and for your information, engineering has very less girls. Since I'm just like a boy underneath a girl's skin, they treat me like a buddy more than a girl. On the other way round, they take care of me in their very unique way. Like telling me 'hey why ur face bcome rounder??' or something like that. @@"

5.1❤ I'd made up a choice to join CLS. I've no idea why would I choose Recreational Division. But I'm glad that I did the right decision. I'm learning so many things which I'd never expected I would. We the members are bonded. Making new friends every before, after and during the events. The memorable Genting trip with ZQOC. My very first time to drink chivas whiskies without my family accompanying. The moments and experiences are so precious. And for the coming one, I hope its the best among all.

6.1❤ After the first sem final exam, I wasnt really looking forward to taking my result. I wasnt sure that had I really tried my very best?? On the other hand, I wasnt feeling nervous, too. Until the very moment I met someone, he told me the result is out, after knowing his, I started to feel panic inside. It's considered one of the best experience I had during this year. I could still remember what was my feeling when I clicked on the link and read my result. Every moment is perfectly imprinted in my mind. =)

7.1❤ End of November, I got a serious sick with having fever, flu, cough, sore throat altogether. And I tasted what's the feeling of being alone and no one is around you and no one is taking care over you. My housemates were all gone back to hometown, my roomie was included. Then, my friends who knew that I was sick were very very caring and I certainly could feel that they'r worried bout me. That kind of warmth was so much different from what I used to get when I was in JB.

8.1❤ I truly believe, no one is perfect in this world. Not everyone is so angelic so pure so naive so innocent. Not everyone will treat you trueheartedly. For me, I'm just being the real me. As I told and promised my friend before coming to malacca, I will always be the SzeEe u knew. Been in this atmosphere, I've seen enough of the darkness. Hardly see through, but you can step away. The world is still beautiful!!! LOVE always wins! Sincerity never fails!!=)

9.1❤ Still remember the previous post?? My family came all the way up to give me a BIG surprise just because of my blog stated that I miss them very much. Words cant tell how I actually felt.

With all the happy, sad, emo, just nice moments,
with all the laughters, tears, shouts bounce together,
my year 2009 is


"Happy to meet new ones,
Glad to keep old ones,
bliss to have both at once!!!!!!!"

wah~~I love these sentences!! copyright by SzeEe!!=))

No matter friends, memories, experiences or even objects, really and truly, I'm GLAD to have new and old ones.

If you were friend of mine, I believe you know who I am.

The one who promised herself that she'll always be who she is

Never mind the year changes

Never mind how crazy she behaves

Never mind who she belong with

I'm SzeEe

❤Forever and Always❤

❤HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!!!❤

with all my might I hope that everyone around me is living with happiness in year 2010
I'm looking forward to my brand new year
so do you??
with lotsa LOVE,

Thursday, December 24, 2009


This is my very very first time, to stay up till the morning, sitting infront of my lappy for hours nonstop, and guess what? Doing nothing!! I ever went out at 12am and got back at 7am. But it's now 7 something, so I broke the record!!!!

Don't ask me why not sleeping, because of Idunnowhy. I'm afraid of sleeping tonight *opps I should say last night*, I wasnt having nightmare, wasnt having insomnia, I just..... just...... not willing to sleep. I await for the time I step on the express bus heading back to JB. I couldn't tell why. I'm just afraid. For Idunnowhat.

To be exact, I still did something. I searched for lotsa christmas songs and piano sheets. I have not played piano for ages!!! AGES!! Now I know, I really need this musical instrument, to ease everything in my mind, in my heart. Okay I dunno what am I crapping about. BTW, Thanks to zhuzhu for accompanying me for almost the whole midnight. Ohya, and ahyang, u might not read this but still, thanks to 'teman' me via fb chatbox. Appreciate very much.

I have to do something after hours of dilly dally. Ended up decided blogging. What about? I know there's tons of delayed entries but I just don't wanna post up, no mood! So what comes now? ROJAK!!!

It's a mango! And I got it accidentally. The story comes. One day me and my friend walked along a jalan, or lorong to be exact, then suddenly there's something dropped down from the tree. We approached closer and saw, it's a MANGO!!! It meant to be mine. I need to clarify, I didn't stole it hor!! I just picked it up, and it's mine. Hahahahaha. Fate fate fate!!! How lucky I was!=)

and you know, yea I know you know what I know, as a student, study is kind of tiring job. So I tried to do some other things which wouldn't get me feeling sleepy all the way. Then I found, calculator can actually create such a fun!!

After class, random photos. They are all my classmates=)
Btw it's December, I took it last week if no mistaken.

Then go back to November, we took lotsa photos on that particular day, 11th Nov. 1111! What a good day!

ShianYang, Andrew, JinYuff, YeeTeng, KunXiong, ahJohn, KhaiXian, ChouPing aka Robert!! Glad to have them during my very first-and-only Alpha year. They are fun, and everyone of them have their very own sense of humour! Nice people to get along with.

Photo of the day 1111=)
I love it so much! There's only one flaw, my roomie is too short hardly spot her inside the photo. Opps, I didn't state out who is the one right? Hehehe

Look carefully, both are taken at the same time, at the same place, by the same person!!! Chio right??

Finish classmates story, lets we continue with another topic. Hmm.....

I wanna eat ice cream!!!! I want sundae~~~~~~~~
The newly opened McD, photo's taken around Nov as well. ehem...

There's someone, who asked me to keep his laptop away during his exam period. Yea Joshua Chye! Hahahaha. You know what? I was like 'huh?? are you kidding me?' Cause normally, one should have to resist to something, should have to learn how to say 'NO' right? Cute action la wei.. I even hardly found a place to settle it! Should have to pay me hor u??XDXD

And it's like finally, I finished reading this novel!!! I bought it on my first sem, it's now nearly end of my 2nd sem. Hahahaha. I felt kind of emptiness once I finished you know?? It's like u give up what you used to do. Suddenly, you couldn't adapt yourself to the life without this novel. It's awesome!! I'm very into the story. Strongly recommended!!!

Story is gonna end. I'm so wanna back to JB!! Back to my family, my home!!!

I miss you :'(

end of post

Good morning lovely


erry Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


-windy night-


-hot drinks-

tranquil solitude is ♥

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When It Comes

Looking back and rewinding the memories

I didn't lose nor lost

Reminding myself that there's a reason for everything

but sometimes,

the mystery of not knowing was more enjoyable

It is unexpected, unpredictable

if there's something happened to my loved and concerned ones

It takes time for me to accept the truth

I never thought I'd be such an emotional person?

But when it comes, I found that I hardly get over

-May God bless-

Monday, December 7, 2009


You know what??? This morning I was awakened by mslauzihui and that wasn't really her style! Cause normally she won't disturb me from sleeping especially it's a beautiful sunday. Aren't all college students supposed to have a tillnoonsleep on Sunday??Hahaha

Anyway I woke up eventually and dillydally infront of lappy after brushing up. That girl, ofcourse not willing to stay in room during sunday, so there she went her dating. After a while, I recieved my sis's msg asking where am I, the first thought came into my mind was 'are they coming to melaka to visit me or what?', so there I reply her msg. But ended up she told me 'No ah, mummy tells me you're not going back this week and next week as well so I just want to make a double confirm with you lo, we'r going to take lunch at Perling!!'.

To be frank I was feeling quite disappointed lah because I thought they wanna come. After a couple of minutes, I heard a door knock. There I answered ofcourse, you know what comes next?? I saw the two standing infront of my door were my mom and sis!!!!!!!!

I couldn't help but keep screaming and shouting how bad they are!! My eyes were filled but the tears didn't drop down, I was so surprised so moved so touched so.... words can't describe how I felt!!!!

After a moment, my dad phoned me, 'LeeSzeSze can you lower your voice?? I could hear your voice even I'm now standing at the carpark!! Look outside of your window!' There I saw my lovely daddy!!!

GOSH I'm sooooooooo surprisetouchedhappyexcited to see my dearlylovelyadorablecute family!!! They CHEATED me!!!!! Okay no one to blame, I love this planning anyway! Though it took me quite a while to complain cause I'd no time to dress up myself!!!XDXD

OMG they came because of my previous post!!! Because of me saying that I miss them very much!! Then my dad made a very last minute decision *AGAIN* last night, to come to melacca and take me out!!! He's feeling not so well nowadays but still, he purposely drove 2 hours here to find his baobei daughter me!!! I LOVE YOU BABA!!!!!

Another thing shocking me was my mom, even though I knew she had her hair cut short, but this was the very first time I saw her face to face. She's beautiful!!! So elegant and graceful! This hairstyle does suit her much!!! We were holding each other's hand tied all the time during the whole noon! I LOVE YOU MUMMY!!!!!!!

LeeJin, she's the one who suggested this wicked idea, to give me this surprise!! Okay not to deny, this is really a pretty good planning as what your FB posted. Thanks girl. Anyway I still prefer your hair tied up. Hahaha I LOVE YOU!!!

We went to town. Traffic jam everywhere. Everyone inside the car was 'starving'!! Sad case.

No idea where to take our lunch. So simply decided, Newton Foodcourt.
We ordered many dishes you know, I even counted, we ordered from 8 stalls!!!
BUT everything not nice!!!

I added my closet with 2 blouses from Padini.
OMG no one can resist SALES!
Especially to those 30% 50% 70%

Ended up I got 2 blouses and 1 pair of high heels!!! Girls should have at least one pair of 3inches high heels okay?? Haha. They'r trying to get me one pair of Nike. Too bad, none we found. Actually I can buy even more but due to my dad, *okay baba no offence k?*, man usually dont like to shopping right?? So my dad is a great example! We just spent about one or two hours there, and going back. SAD!! How wonderful IF we can spend longer time there! Because I'm not the one to pay the bill. Hahahaha.

GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!

You're my everything. Muuuuaaaackzzz!!!!!

It's now 2.10am. I got 8am class tmr!! Bless me don't oversleep!!XD
May see you peeps on 9 something? Tmr is computer lab don't forget!! Hehe

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's All About Family

I don't know since when I miss my family so much. This post is supposed to be done right by the day I reached home. But due to some reasons, I can only make it today. This morning, I was awakened by my dad's phone call. First, not to mention how much I miss them, even though we phoned each other only the day before, I felt so heartwarming to hear to their sound in the morning. Feeling lighthearted and everything seems so beautiful in my eyes. The missing thoughts towards them hardly ceased.

Since I'm free for the whole weekend, I think I should do something meaningful, okay at least for me. Talking bout this, I'm relieved because the midterm test was over. Overall it's okay despite how stupid and careless I was! I'd feel bad whenever thinking about this. Fish!!

Back to topic, I'm gonna do something, to reply the blog post of my younger sis's. I don't know since when we get along so well because we used to refuse to talk to each other or to fight for nothing when we were still young. I used to dislike everything of her and so did she. The situation now is no more the same as ago, we have the same topic or maybe we've grown up. Even holding hands together seems not that gross anymore. LOL

My parents and my younger sis got themselves a pair of Nike recently, each one of them!!! Meaning that I'm the only one who don't get a Nike among the family because my elder sis also got 1 pair year ago. Feeling like I'm excluded. I'm so gonna back to JB and ask for one from my dad!!! Hahahaha

Christmas is coming soon, meaning that I have to prepare someone's birthday present. Can I just show up myself on your birthday as a present? Hahahaha what you want la? Why not list out the things u wish to have? If it's below hundred maybe I'll consider to get you one because I still owe you a promise. Give you some time to think about it. But don't exceed the date hor!! Else you get nothing!! So don't help me to save money la~~~~XDXD

I was in JB two weeks before. I'd a blissful one-day trip with my family, too bad dajie wasn't counted because she went to KL. We went to Teluk Ramunia with no aforehand planning, meaning that it was a last minute decision. This is one out of so many reasonssssssss why I love this family so much!!XDXD

Me and my younger sis

The beach, the stupid and crazy two kids I'd say

It's me=)
The weather was like gonna-rain-but-ended-up-didnt
the cloud was so thick

and we found a restaurant, taking our lunch there
everything is nice and yummy!!!!
especially the chilli crab and bun!!

acting emo
actually its all the same pic
right most is the original one without edit

we were actually jumping up but this photo was captured while we landed
too bad, but still thx to dad

Photo of the Day
I love this so much!!
thx to dad

The Couple of the Day
I love them

-Giving as an adult, and taking as a child-