Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random Update

Morning lovelies. My foursquare will be activated to the fullest whenever I back to JB. Hmm is that a good sign?

Not really I think. Bad sign for my dear readers. Meaning that yours truly, Ee is going out
all the time
quite frequent (I can't help myself wth =.=""") so I have NO TIME to update my blog HAHAHA!!

Since this is weekend IN JB!!! so I don't think I'll sit in front of my lappy and spend all my day JUST LIKE THAT. So, here comes a random update.

my healthy breakfast. Never have such in Malacca fml.

playing|practicing piano is a must. Currently doing a new cover song from my favourite Korean band- CNBLUE. No scores available in any online source. I have to play it by ear. Hmmm quite a challenge to me. I never did that before. Hehe.

ehemm.... yesterday's photo. I really can't stand of my fringe, gotta chop it soon.

Enjoy your weekend!! To the MAX perhaps??

gotta out for brunch!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Morning Earthlings

Waken up by a sweet morning call at eight and start my brand new day with a cup of fresh brewed coffee. Holding morning paper and listening to nice country songs. Do whatever I wanted until I see the moon. and call it a day.

In my dream.

Hehe. Waken up by alarm at nine. Tidy up everything and prepare to go to class at ten. Going back to JB very soon. Going to meet dad and mom even sooner.

This called morning.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Remember Me

Gawd this is the very first movie which gave me goose bumps and sent chills down my spine. Though the first hour of the movie is kinda boring to me, but the ending is just too out of expectation. I never knew the ending would be like that, which quivered me inside. Life is always unexpected. Taking family, friends, or even strangers into account, people are too easy to be parted from each other. Love at this moment, or perish the next second. Nobody would know.

'Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it. Because nobody else will. " - Remember Me


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Consumed too much energy yesterday, I slept over 12 hours and waking up by a morning call and this is my beautiful Sunday.

Though these are what I'm looking at all the time in my room, but I truly love my lazy weekend.

downloaded a new photography app into my phone, quite satisfied with the outcomes. Photos are non-edited (expect the bloglink stamped). Taken originally from ip. love it =)

i hate him

a gift from a sweet friend. Thanks girl.

Do you have a lovely Sunday??


Saturday, April 23, 2011


一百次相愛只要有一次的絢爛 下一次會更勇敢
重要的是 我們如何愛過那一段

「當冬夜漸暖」是「是時候」專輯的靈魂歌曲,也是燕姿在製作時花最多時間的歌曲。歌詞是在描述隨著時間的流逝,「當冬夜漸暖 當大海也不再那麼藍 當月色的純白變得陰暗」,很多人、事、物似乎都開始漸漸變質,難免讓人懷疑一切是不是不再那麼單純、美好?但燕姿認為,無論世事如何變遷,最後的結局如何,那都不是重點,­很多事情不需要答案,「重要的是 我們如何愛過那一段」,過程中的那些點點滴滴,才是最重要的。


詞: 藤井樹,曲:饒善強

很多事情 不是誰說了就算
即使傷心 結果還是自己擔
事實證明 幸福很難

我們之間 不是誰說了就算
拉扯的愛 徒增結局的難堪
下一次 會更勇敢

當冬夜漸暖 當大海也不再那麼藍

當冬夜漸暖 當夏夜的樹上不再有蟬
那只是因為悲傷從來 都不會有答案

當冬夜漸暖 當青春也都煙消雲散
重要的是 我們如何愛過那一段

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life is Fragile

Life is so beautiful, yet so fragile than anything else in the world. I can understand why people die of old age, like 70 or 80 something. But, whenever I read or get to know there's an accident occurred, or natural disasters happened, no matter they're from press or friends or people around, I feel so very sad to the victims and their families.

Bad things happened these few days made me found that death news are all so disheartened. Roomie's grandma passed away because of her old age- 93. Death is as natural as life. It's part of the deal we made. But hideous accident never seems to be in this case. It's not a natural process which we all knew the ending is death.

I got to know my secondary school senior involved in a car crash, distressingly, his life is taken away.

Life is so fragile you can't expect what things you will encounter into, what will happen to you next. Everything can change in the blink of the eyes.

and I know, although death ends a life, but it's not allowed to end the relationships. The way we get meaning into our life, is to devote ourselves to loving others.

Life is eternal, and love is immortal.

I'm sorry for your lost.

Deepest condolence,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

U Turn

Today is just so-not-my-day.

Everything went so wrong. Don't go for the details as THEY won't light me up either by telling in this way.

Let bygones be bygones. That's what I can tell myself, to keep myself awake, and to prevent myself from banging my head against the wall wtf.

Perhaps, starting from today I'll do a photo-of-the-day.

Pretty sentence. Instead of 'I should die' which I'd posted in my FB wall just now, 'I should focus on being happy' is the newest rule.

Smile to Thursday. Everything will be alright.

love to the whole world,

Monday, April 18, 2011


you don't know you don't know you don't know

you can't translate you can't translate you can't translate



Sunday, April 17, 2011

Penang Trip I Kuan Yin Temple | Snake Temple | James Foo Western Food | Kek Lok Si

I ALMOST forget about my Penang trip!!!

Too many pics I need time to filter and choose the best among all. and I aware of that, the last post about this trip was 1 month ago. kick me :(

I'm dying because of washing tons of clothes (I even separated them into two days, yesterday was the first row). and I'm still dying because it took me hours altogether. About two years earlier when I first stepped into uni, I said I hate washing clothes, uphold it until today, until the rest of my life. =.=""

Alright. ehemmm back to topic. Since I haven't been able to update it for nearly one month, I try to make this post a BIG one kay?? perhaps my house's connection is fast enough to upload all the pics.

Instead of a wordy post, I guess you guys tend to enjoy the pics right? according to my elder sis, she never really reads what I wrote in blog, fml. Perhaps not everyone of you act like she does /.\
oldest temple in Penang- Kuan Yin Temple
when you visit Kuan Yin Teng, you can definitely spot this aunty. According to her saying, she has been selling these traditional kuih for more than ten years.
definitely taste good!!
so zai dai lou~LOL

next stop- Snake Temple
Since 1886? hmm I'm not sure
the ladies
the group photo

what's the pleasure during a hot sultry day?
so happy when we saw this!! Thanks to our tour guide :)
jelly ice 爱玉冰
advert :)

I thought of stopping here, but second instinct tells me to continue since I've promised it's gonna be BIG. Yea so,

our dinner at
James Foo Western Food
Tell me where can I find such cafe/restaurant which serves good food with such a low price (not to mention, BIG portion as well!!)??!! Almost every dish costs not more than RM10 (besides steaks)!!! Nonono, I can't find any in JB now. I guess so in Malacca.

James Foo Western Food @ Fettes Park
No.19, Jalan Fettes Park,
11200 Penang.

Operating hour: 6pm to 12am
Closed on Monday.

and then


Kek Lok Si by night during CNY period!! means got Lanterns and lights on!!! DAMN AMAZING!!! Most of us couldn't shut our mouth because everyone was stunned by the beautiful scene!! I'm the one who screamed all the way!! it's just TOO AWESOME!!!

especially see it by your naked eyes!!! All the awesome buildings just stand in front of you and it's so HUGE!!

Since words can't tell, just enjoy the pics my dear ;)

this is just the entrance, and is already THIS NICE!!
one word- 'WOW'
oh my! I still feel so GLAD we able to make our way to visit this place at such a good timing!!
Too beautiful. These pics/sceneries are still catching my breath!!

TOO BAADDDD we couldn't make our way to the top because the temple closed at 10pm. the lights off once reached 950pm. Indeed an awesome place!! I barely remember my last visit. Seems on my primary graduation trip. It looks totally different by day and by night.


up till here, does this post BIG enough?? It takes me hours to complete it. I started uploading pics from 6 something, until 9pm only I finish uploaded every pic. and started blogging after that. Ehemm.... indeed makes my Sunday to the fullest wtf =.=""

anyways, hope you enjoy reading the post and the pics.

Of course not to forget my last day in Penang. 'll update soon. finger crossed. LOL! Too many delayed posts.

Monday is approaching!! May everyone has a beautiful Monday :)

ps: credit goes to Mr Pua for those pics with no my bloglink stamped!!


Heart-breaking Story

"You hug him good bye like it's nothing when all you really want to do is hold on forever. Then you let go, muster a smile and walk away and cry all the way home because you know things will never be the same again. And you know you can't make somebody love you, and sometimes you have to let them be free, and this letting go, that is when love hurts the most."

a heart breaking quote. I think for those who had experienced it, must feel that the description is just too vivid.

night world.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Woodstock

woodstock my love

ehemmm.... It's me again. I finished my assignment (one of it), finally.

I used to rely on friends or groupmates, whenever problems occurred, I'd ask people around until I got the problem solved. But for this time it's an individual assignment, I have to do it all on my own. As you know, I'm so lazy I don't want to go to library, I even felt lazy to talk to human about assignment related stuff.(Are you serious? Ans: yes)

I had my two whole days 'closed-door' practice (闭关修炼LOL!!!)just for sake of the 2 questions!!! The outcome is about 0.5cm thick assignment. Yada yada it's not a big deal I know, but they're like my babies!! (people take 9months to give birth, I take only 2 days wtf)

I don't know if I should feel proud or ashamed because as an engineering student, until today only I know how to work with the software.

Anyways, I treat it as an improvement of myself.

Saturday is meant to be fun, but I choose to stay in my small little room.
(cause I've no choice? true though. XD)

Another lazy day
