Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Random Update | 49 Days Korean Drama

Tutorial on how to sneak your fav drinks into cinema. and of course, illegally... *cough*

1. buy your fav drinks
2. put it into your shopping bag and make sure it's steady and wont spill out.
3. cover something on top

Here you go. Enjoy your popcorn with drinks rather than coke/100plus/sprite. HAHAHA I just randomly pop something onto my blog in case I have no time to update because.......

I'm now watching this. Woah super NICE I'd rather stay at home whole day instead of going out. This is so not me but who cares, I'm addicted!!! :))

11th episode-ing. Leave 9 episodes to go. Huuuu I guess I can finish it today! Tomorrow is Kong Fu Panda 2 day!!!! Who wanna watch with me??? Sms/Fb/chatbox me! :)


Update:: hii it's now 0530 26th May. I finished watching all episode of 49days. SUPER nice!!!! HOHOHO so inspiring, touching, exciting. I guess I'll give up panda today and catch it tomorrow with my sis since she will have finished her exam by then. Morning world. and wish me a sweet dream :)

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