Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crazy Night I | U Dessert | MRJ Burger

Sunday night is meant to be staying at home and recharge your energy till max for sake of the weekdays ahead. Monday blue is basically 'activated' once the clock passes eleven. But last night, it's Labour day a.k.a public holiday. We siblings decided to go

U Dessert again *cough* with my sister's bff tagging along.

first try of this- 杨枝甘露. Not to my liking.

Thinking of the next day- no work, no class. All of us didn't feel like going back home just like that. So, the crazy driver a.k.a my sister drove all the way to Permas Jaya for

Burger?? from this 'stall'?? BTW, it's SDN BHD don't play play!! Try looking for MRJ lorry next time. *located same row with Mulligan's pub :)*

yes. burgerssss. Freaking sinful supper. FOL

at first we didn't expect we could locate this place in foursquare, who knows
checking in, twitting, fb-ing, at the end. There came a battle between 2 ip and 2 bb. LOL!!!

discovered a nice street. Just Want Cafe? Hmm... If possible I'd really love to visit this place next time.

I enjoy spontaneous plans much!! And for today's, it's abso-freaking-lutely loved!! One day with siblings, another day with friends. How about the next??

I can't really think of the consequences of being so indulged. I realize how frequent I update my blog at night. hmmmm......

it's time to sleep now. Good night world.

I miss starry night.


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